By Cougan Collins



  • A farmer understands that the more he sows, the more he is likely to harvest (2 Cor. 9:6).
  • A wise farmer realizes it is not sufficient just to plant his seed. To succeed, he must also cultivate and tend that which he has planted (Isa. 28:24-26).
  • A farmer knows that he must wait for his harvest. That cannot be rushed. Patience is essential in his business (Jam. 5:7).
  • A smart farmer understands that he must keep working in a dry spell. Weeds grow even in a drought. Cultivated soil will be ready to receive the rain when it comes.
  • A successful farmer must be willing to fight the pests that would destroy his crop.
  • A smart farmer realizes that he must have God's blessing if he is to see fruit for his labor (Ps. 107:37-38). God gives the increase (1 Cor. 3:6).
  • A crop must be harvested, or the birds and critters will devour it and it will rot in the field (Mt. 9:37-38).

    Each of these lessons applies to our work of evangelizing our community. The gospel is our seed (Lk. 8:11). The fields are the many people among whom we live (Jn. 4:35-39). The cultivating is the work we do to gain their interest, their respect and a hearing. The sowing is the teaching of God's Word. Patience must be had in leading people to the Master. They must have time to understand the message and for their convictions to grow. The harvest is when we bring them to Christ; we hear them confess His name and submit to Him by being buried with Him in baptism (Rom. 6:3-4). Above all, we understand that without God's blessing, we would surely fail. We too have to deal with pests who would harm those we lead to Christ (Rom. 16:17-18). We invite you to worship and study with us to learn more about first century Christianity – lgchurchofchrist.com.


Adapted from John Waddey